Enabling Financial Institutions to create and preserve value, utilising financial modelling and data analytic techniques
Value Creation
Corporate strategy
- Strategic planning, review and options analysis:
- Identification of revenue & cost improvements
- Cost/benefit tracking & realisation
- Setting up strategy management processes and frameworks
- Interim leadership for strategic projects and business transformation
- Business plan development:
- Market research, competitor analysis & business intelligence
- Defining customer segments, product propositions & respective pricing
Corporate finance
- Financial & commercial due diligence
- Financial modelling, data analytics & valuation for:
- Deals (M&A, carve out, IPO, Restructuring)
- Capital advisory (debt / equity raising)
- Business plans to setup new entities & business lines
- Interim leadership for post-merger integration, finance and commercial roles
Value Preservation
Corporate governance
- Corporate governance
- Governance framework and control processes
- Internal audit
- Fraud investigations
- Capacity building through training:
- Financial modelling & analysis
- Credit analysis
- Treasury management